It was a little more than five years ago that the FeedersFeed moved from a dissimilar array of hosted websites to the current FeedersFeed website. Unfortunately, as time went on, some of the components that make up this website have fallen out of support, and in a couple of cases the developers have fallen off the face of the earth, leaving us with no path to upgrade.
For that reason, in the coming weeks, I am migrating our back end from the current “Joomla” system that has worked for us so well in the last five years to the On The Spot Communications common back end, powered by WordPress.
By moving to the common back end, it will share common components with many of the other projects that I have, making updating easier. Also, many of the components are free-of-charge, a significant difference in comparison to the compenents that make up the Joomla system (we’ve gotten by with only paying for one component so far, but the ones with support issues will require more money to replace the free ones).
So, what can you expect with this move:
- Login will no longer be required to access the main Feeders Feed chat room (we will support logins if you are interested in contributing to the news feed articles, but you will need to re-register, as the old logins will not be copied over).
- New look and feel, including a more mobile-friendly site.
- The Lounge is being retired.
- The Forums will be prepared for migration, but due to low interest and participation, they will likely not appear in the initial changeover.
Effective immediately, due to a known security concern, The Lounge will no longer be available, as the vendor has discontinued the product and it is no longer supported.
So please pardon our dust as we’re cooking up a new experience for you.