Local 912

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      Just a note – Michigan 912 groups seem to fail – they always seem to gravitate to politics, which I don’t believe is the primary objective of 912 groups – leave that for the Tea Party – 912’s should be focused on the 9 and the 12…..just sayin…..

      So if any of you know of a SUCCESSFUL NON-POLITICAL 912 group, let me know – i’ll ask to be an honorary satellite member alone in MI.

      Thanks and blessings!

      —arizona luke

        We’re had the same issue here in AZ and I think for good reason. The gov’ts, whether local or federal, are making it difficult for us to behave as 9-12ers when these ‘community leaders’ have no leadership and no character.

        Our 912 group in AZ tries to stay away from politics but we do get involved with it when politics get involved with us (like the Occupy movement or the gov’t ignoring Property Rights, etc).

        feel free to email me with any questions and I’ll help you out as much as I can. I created a ‘how to create your own 912 project checklist’ to help start new groups in AZ and CAL


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